Solve a navigation problem

During its normal journey, the robot washes the entire window without missing anything, however your robot does not cover the entire surface, here is how to solve the problem:

Please check the following:
- The plastic pads and their supports are well clipped
- You sprayed a lot of product on the glass and on the skates
- You start automatic navigation via the metal button on it
If the robot does not move normally, follow these steps:
Step 1: Press the PAUSE button "II", so that the robot stops.
Step 2: Press one of the directional arrows, containing the word "AUTO":
The robot will go in the chosen direction, before washing the entire window.
The problem must now be resolved.
If you notice that despite this manipulation, the robot does not navigate correctly, you can perform the following manipulation:
Step 1: Press the PAUSE button "II", so that the robot stops.
Step 2: Press the “MODE” button to change the cleaning mode.
When the robot BEEPS 1 Time, it is in mode 1.
When the robot BEEPS 2 times, it is in mode 2.
When the robot BEEPS 3 times, it is in mode 3.
Press the "MODE" button several times until the robot BEEPS 3 times and is therefore in mode 3.
You can now start navigation, mode 3 will improve the robot's navigation and should solve the problem.
If the problem is not resolved, you can open a customer service file via this link: V3clean customer service

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